Heart-To-Heart Talk

Are you feeling confident that you are really protecting yourself from Heart Disease and Diabetes? Most conventional studies only reveal half of the picture. What is missing? Enough to possibly make a difference. Does it surprise you that almost half of heart attack victims do not have cholesterol levels that would suggest they are at risk?1 Many healthy, young people do not even consider they may be at risk for diabetes, yet lab results may indicate some degree of insulin resistance. Something else is missing from the picture. There are multiple body-system discrepancies that contribute to cardiac and metabolic disease. Besides obtaining an extensive health, social and family history, appropriate body metrics and physical exam, advanced laboratory studies, ‘tighter’ ranges of lab results, and additional markers are needed to assess true risk. Many of these markers are absent in most traditional ‘screening’ and health maintenance tests.

“I am young. I do not have to worry about this yet.”

Of all of the children and adolescents in the US, aged 6-19, 7% have high cholesterol.2 Be sure you are doing all that you can do before it becomes a problem. There are no symptoms, so a thorough and pertinent evaluation is necessary for legitimate prevention. It is at the earlier stages of discovery that renders health conditions so much easier to control and perhaps mitigate risk. It is never too early, or too late! Protect your heart now!

1.University of California – Los Angeles. (2009, January 13). Most Heart Attack Patients’ Cholesterol Levels Did Not Indicate Cardiac Risk. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 12, 2020 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/01/090112130653.htm

2.Nguyen, Duong & Kit, Brian & Carroll, Margaret. (2016). Abnormal Cholesterol Among Children and Adolescents in the United States, 2011-2014. NCHS data brief. 1-8.